Tania del Carmen Photography

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2022: Changing the Rules of School Portraits in Richmond, VA

I'm absolutely thrilled to showcase another round of our fantastic kid portfolio for the second consecutive year!

Breaking away from conventional school photography, we enthusiastically embraced a more creative and innovative approach, turning each photograph into a vibrant work of art. For 2022, I opted for a beautiful, warm cream background that complements skin tones, giving off a radiant and soft feel.

Once we locked in our signature look, our focus was on a singular goal – transforming each child's image into a priceless treasure, capturing the genuine essence of the moment.

As we wave goodbye to 2022, it's not just about celebrating the success of our blooming boutique school photography; it's about reveling in the countless smiles, the shared laughter, and the incredible stories etched into each frame.

Here's to a year filled with the excitement of creating memories that will undoubtedly become lifelong treasures, not only for the parents but for the incredible kids who not only graced our lenses but also stole our hearts in the process. Cheers to the magic of 2022!